All assignments with a due date of April 6 through May 11 are due no later than 6pm on Friday, May 12 to be eligible for credit. Assignments with due dates of May 12 through May 24 are not eligible for any extension.
8th Grade Matriculation
click here to read important information regarding 8th-grade matriculation to the high school campus.
Congratulations on the completion of a successful school year.
There are only a few students with open Library accounts that need to be settled. The final letters will go out Friday, May 19. Lost books can be paid by credit card on the Middle School Library’s website/Pay Library Debts online/Lost items(s), or check/cash in the Library. Every book is an important part of our Library collection, and we strive to keep it well-rounded and up-to-date. If you have comments, concerns, or questions – Please come speak with your Librarians.
We hope you all have a wonderful summer vacation.
Your Librarians