At Chaminade we are proud to provide our students a challenging, Catholic education in the Marianist tradition of educating the whole person in the family spirit.
Faith life at Chaminade is rooted in the Roman Catholic Tradition and animated by the Marianist charism which forms students to participate in Mary’s mission to bring Christ to the world.
Chaminade’s curriculum is rooted in Catholic Marianist values that inspire a love of learning and develop leaders who collaborate to solve problems with compassion, creativity, and critical thinking. Chaminade College Preparatory is accredited by the Western Catholic Educational Association and Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WCEA/WASC).
Chaminade College Preparatory offers bus services to both the high school and middle school campuses from Conejo Valley, East Valley (along Ventura Blvd.), Santa Clarita, West LA, as well as an intercampus shuttle.
Please email our Transportation Manager at for the link to register. Space is limited.
2025-2026 School Year
Intercampus Bus
Round Trip: $2974
AM Only: $1246
PM Only: $1761
Conejo Valley, East Valley, West LA, and Santa Clarita Valley
If your bus has another stop after your pick-up point and it is your same bus, yes you make pick it up at another point. However, if they are already headed to the school, they are legally not allowed to stop and pick up your student.
It is discouraged for safety reasons, but may be allowed by the bus driver. Check with your driver and students must clean up after themselves. No trash may be left on the bus.
Yes, if there is an unassigned seat available and Mrs. Roxy Todd approves the request in advance. At least two school days (minimum 48 hours) in advance, email your request to Mrs. Todd at If approved, Mrs. Todd will notify you by email with instructions on what to present to the bus driver to board the bus on the approved day. Bus drivers have been advised that a student is not permitted to get on a bus unless their name is on the preapproved rider list for that day.
Yes, as long as the stop is one served by your student’s assigned bus. No bus changes are permitted unless preapproved. See “Can my child use a different bus route on occasion?”
Yes, providing there is an unassigned seat available on the desired bus and Mrs. Roxy Todd approves the request in advance. At least two school days (minimum 48 hours) in advance, email your request to Mrs. Todd at If approved, Mrs. Todd will provide instructions on how to purchase the pass prior to use and what to present to the bus driver to board the bus on the approved day. Bus drivers have been advised that a student is not permitted to get on a bus unless their name is on the preapproved rider list for that day.
For regular bus riders to use an alternative bus, please see “Can my child use a different bus route on occasion.”
Shuttle between campuses daily bus pass fee: $15 one way; $30 round trip East, West LA, Conjeo, & Santa Clarita Valley daily bus pass fee: $20 one way, $40 round trip
All found items on High School bus routes will be kept by the driver until claimed. If not claimed within one week it will be turned over to Mrs. Roxy Todd in the transportation department. All found items on Middle School bus routes will be held by the driver until they can turn the item into Chaminade Hall. Items will be kept in Chaminade Hall for one week and then turned into the lost and found on the middle school campus.