The Marianists (Society of Mary) are a Roman Catholic religious order of men that have been bearers of the Catholic and Marianist traditions in their educational efforts since they first arrived to the United States in 1849. The Marianist Province of the United States is the central headquarters for the Marianists which is located in St. Louis, Missouri. Marianists embrace the idea of education as a mechanism to transform society and support a spirit of openness, mutual respect and acceptance by perpetuating their charism (gift) of emulating Mary and nurturing Jesus in others.
The Marianists sponsor 19 secondary schools, three universities, four retreat centers, and six Catholic parishes. They are on six continents and serve in 34 countries.
Marianists live in a community of equals, brothers and priests, modeling the Spirit of Mary, the Mother of Jesus and witness to Christ’s transforming presence on campus. Our vowed Marianists live next to our West Hills campus and serve on our campuses as priest chaplains, campus ministers and in other capacities.