At Chaminade we are proud to provide our students a challenging, Catholic education in the Marianist tradition of educating the whole person in the family spirit.
Faith life at Chaminade is rooted in the Roman Catholic Tradition and animated by the Marianist charism which forms students to participate in Mary’s mission to bring Christ to the world.
Chaminade’s curriculum is rooted in Catholic Marianist values that inspire a love of learning and develop leaders who collaborate to solve problems with compassion, creativity, and critical thinking. Chaminade College Preparatory is accredited by the Western Catholic Educational Association and Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WCEA/WASC).
As a Catholic, Marianist school, with a mission to inspire young people to love, learn, and lead, we believe in the inherent dignity of all people. We recognize the transformative power of education to also inspire students to use empathy, knowledge, and courage to uphold human rights and social justice.
LOVE | EMPATHY The Catholic Church asserts that racism is a sin. As such, we uphold an anti-racist, anti-bias lens when administering school policies and practices to ensure they are inclusive to all of our community members.
Welcoming people from diverse backgrounds is at the core of Marianist hospitality, and such expressions of acceptance and inclusion positively impact all individuals within a school community.
LEARN | KNOWLEDGE We implement programs that celebrate the full humanity and richness of the diverse identities, histories, and experiences of our community members by engaging in ongoing learning about the impact that power, identity, and privilege have to confront inequity and uphold justice.
Students see themselves reflected in course content and campus life, so their social identities are affirmed as assets that lead to personal and professional joy, fulfillment, and success.
LEAD | COURAGE We empower students through curriculum, faith experiences, and student activities to develop social-consciousness and take action against individual and systemic injustice and violence, including hate speech and bullying.
A Chaminade education prepares students to be agents of change by educating, empowering, and challenging them to be forces of good in their local and global communities.
“Marianist educational communities exist not only for the benefit of their members but also to change the world.”
-Characteristics of Marianist Education, 25th Anniversary
Society of Mary
DEIB at Chaminade
Chaminade’s commitment to DEIB is rooted in the Catholic, Marianist principle that every person is created in the image and likeness of God and possesses inherent dignity. Our Characteristics of Marianist Education allow us to live this commitment to DEIB through the following: our institutional structures, policies, and procedures; curriculum; co-curricular and extracurricular programs; and faith and service initiatives. Chaminade educates students, faculty, and staff to use the lens of Catholic Social Teaching to explore human rights issues related to justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion that impact our school and local and global communities. Human rights issues, also known as Catholic social justice issues, include but are not limited to racial justice, restorative justice, and environmental justice. These and other human rights are promoted by our Catholic and Marianist traditions to respect and protect the dignity of every individual.
“We work at the direct proclamation of the Gospel and also at the enrichment of culture and the transformation of society…[in] unity with those who struggle for justice, liberty, and dignity…” – Society of Mary, Rule of Life 72
Let the most perfect union reign among all of you. I shall never be satisfied until I see realized among you the motto: ‘One heart, one mind, and all things in common.’ – Blessed William Joseph Chaminade
Diverse & Inclusive Community in Family Spirit
The Marianist Characteristic of Family Spirit at Chaminade is a way of life that provides a climate of acceptance and love for all people, acting as an extended family, nurturing growth, development, and personal responsibility. Our culture is rooted in the values of Jesus Christ and the Marianist charism (To be formed by Mary for the mission of Christ), and we welcome all people who wish to enrich our culture.
Following the Marianist Characteristic of Adaptation and Change, Chaminade seeks to cultivate equity literacy and understanding in our students, faculty, and staff through the school’s DEIB Initiatives. Chaminade has partnered with Catholic DEIB consultant Danielle Harrison to leverage our understanding of DEIB and commitment to aligning with our Catholic, Marianist traditions. As such, Chaminade has committed to important initiatives based on recommendations from a collaboration between the Board of Directors, Executive Council, Administration, and faculty ad-hoc advocacy committee.
Chaminade is engaged in ongoing professional development to help faculty and staff leverage the school’s curriculum, programs, and policies with the principles of diversity, equity, justice, and inclusion. This enables faculty and staff to facilitate social interactions with and among peers and students that are characterized as intentional, mindful of impact versus intention, and welcoming and respectful of the diverse backgrounds and experiences of all school members.
Chaminade is committed to helping students gain a better understanding of DEI and foster attitudes of respecting differences and tolerance at home, in the school, community, and world. Students have attended various diversity, equity, and inclusion workshops. Moreover, the Directors of Student Activities on both campuses have invited DEI speakers to grade-level and whole-school assemblies. Co-curricular leadership activities, including but not limited to the Diversity Team and Black Student Union, have resulted in students coordinating with faculty advisors and administration to educate peers about issues related to DEI by presenting to students, leading roundtable discussions, and inviting guest speakers.
The values of DEI are embedded in our institutional culture and community, and are critical to advancing discovery and innovation. Through our Loving, Learning, and Leading Strategic Plan 2017- 2024, Chaminade recognizes and values the many diverse experiences and identities offered by each member of our community. These differences are strengths, as they afford us the opportunity to explore issues from a variety of perspectives to elevate our structures, policies, and procedures that are just and collaborative for all.
· Creating Empathetic Spaces Through Checking Bias – All Freshman
· Combatting Sexual Harassment
· Latinx Voices: The Stories of our Ancestors
· Micro-Aggressions, Racism, and Language (BSU & Diversity)
· Middle Eastern Representation in the Media
· LGBTQ+ Visibility, Allyship, and Inclusion
· Combatting AAPI Hate & Supporting the Community
· Why We Still Need Feminism
· Breaking the Stigma
· Latinx Voices: Debunking Stereotypes: A Celebration of Culture (Hispanic Honor Society & Diversity)
· The Roots of Systemic Oppression
· In Search of Racial Justice
· Changemaker Day – My Name My Story
· Race & Religion
Chaminade will continue to assess the ways our community is experiencing a sense of belonging and inclusivity to support our ongoing efforts to create a hospitable, inclusive, emotionally safe, and Christ-like learning environment. Based on the 2023 Climate Survey, Chaminade completed the following:
Conducted student and adult focus groups to examine a wider range of input about current tensions around DEIB.
Reviewed and revised hiring practices to ensure a fair and bias-free hiring environment.
Reviewed and revised disciplinary policies and procedures from a culturally sensitive lens.
Reviewed the current curriculum choices from a lens of racial and ethnic inclusion.
Next Steps for 2024-2025 academic year
Continue to review and revise the current curriculum choices from a lens of racial and ethnic inclusion.
Continue to provide unconscious bias training for students and educators.
Continue to empower students and educators to respect and uphold a person's human dignity through purposeful dialogue that is aligned with Chaminade's Core Values.
If children are properly helped and loved, they themselves can become peacemakers, builders of a world of fraternity and solidarity. With their enthusiasm and youthful idealism, young people can become ‘witnesses’ and ‘teachers’ of hope and peace to adults. – Pope John Paull II
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We pride ourselves in living out the charism and values