Middle School Calendar

  • Event Categories

  1. Sun
  2. Mon
  3. Tue
  4. Wed
  5. Thu
  6. Fri
  7. Sat
  1. 29
  2. 30
  3. 31
  1. 11
  1. 12
  2. 15

    MS Band Trip (Disneyland Clinic)

    Contact: Cynthia Snyder
  3. 17

    MS STAR Assembly (Virtual)

    A virtual presentation of first-semester highlights and awards will be viewed in Advisory.
    Contact: Annette Damien
  4. 18
  1. 19
  2. 25

    Alumni Hall of Fame

  1. 28

    MS Day 0- Special Schedule

    8:30am- Students will report to X block rooms for attendance and announcements 
    8:40am- Boarding of busses will begin
    9:30am- Founders' Day Mass (West Hills Campus)
    11:30am- Busses will begin to return to Chatsworth 
    11:45am-12:45pm- Lunch 
    12:45-12:55pm- X block (Announcements and attendance)
    12:55-2:55pm- Field Day

    Founders Day Mass

  2. 29

    MS Student Faith Sharing

    Students of all grade levels are welcome to attend this lunch event for House Points, fun and a treat! Sponsored by the SHINE Team.
  3. 31

    MS Day 1- Rally Schedule

    Block A – 8:30 – 9:35
    Block B – 9:41 – 10:46
    Nutrition- 10:46-10:55
    Rally – 11:01 – 11:55
    Lunch – 11:55 – 12:40
    Block C – 12:45– 1:50
    Block D– 1:56 – 3:00

    MS CSW Rally

    Block A – 8:30 – 9:35
    Block B – 9:41 – 10:46
    Nutrition- 10:46-10:55
    Rally – 11:01 – 11:55
    Lunch – 11:55 – 12:40
    Block C – 12:45– 1:50
    Block D– 1:56 – 3:00
    Contact: Kate Beskid
  4. 1

List of 1 items.

  • We pride ourselves in living out the charism and values

    of what makes our school distinctly Catholic.
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(818) 588-4CCP (4227)

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