Dear Chaminade High School Families,
As we begin the last week of instruction and anticipate the conclusion of this school year, please keep in mind the following important information and dates for your planning. 
    • Elective Course Final Exams and End-of-Semester Assessments take place the week of May 15
    • Updated Gradebooks: Course grades accessible in the Family Portal will be fully updated in every course by Friday, May 19 at 6PM.  The only graded assignment to be entered after that time is the end-of-semester assessment or final exam. Online gradebooks will be ‘blacked out’ starting at 8AM on Monday, May 22 and will be unavailable for checking grades until after second semester grades post on Wednesday, May 31.
    • Core Class Final Exams take place May 22-24:
      • Monday, 5-22:   8:30AM-10:05AM – Math   /  10:30AM-12:00PM – Social Studies
      • Tuesday, 5-23:   8:30AM-10:05AM – English / 10:30AM-12:00PM – World Languages
      • Wednesday, 5-24:  8:30AM-10:05AM – Science  
    • Make-Up Final Exams take place on Thursday, May 25 beginning at 8:30AM:
      • If a student misses their final exam(s), they are expected to come to the Main Office on Thursday, May 25 at 8:30AM to make up their exam(s). Two exams can be taken that day.  If a student has additional exams to make up after that day they must come to the Main Office on Friday, May 26 at 8:30AM.
      • A zero will be issued for any final exam that a student does not make up by Friday, May 26 without prior communication to Ms. Jennifer Poole, Academic Vice Principal.
    • Seniors with an ‘F’ / Seniors with missing Apostolic Works Hours:
      • Families of seniors who earn an ‘F’ in a graduation requirement course this semester will be notified by Friday, May 26 as this will prevent the student from receiving their diploma at graduation. Families of seniors who earned an ‘F’ in a graduation requirement course in fall semester were already notified by counselors that the student will not receive their diploma at graduation.
      • Seniors have until Thursday, May 25 at 12PM to submit their completed Apostolic Works Hours. Families of seniors with incomplete Apostolic Works hours will be notified on Friday, May 26 as this will prevent the student from receiving their diploma at graduation.
      • Seniors not receiving a diploma are still included in and should attend the Baccalaureate Mass on Friday, May 26 and the graduation ceremony on Saturday, May 27 with their classmates. 
      • Students with an F in a graduation requirement course need to coordinate with Ms. Jennifer Poole, the Academic Vice Principal, regarding a remediation plan.  Students with incomplete Apostolic Works hours need coordinate their completion with Mrs. Shawna Sedik, Director of Campus Ministry. Diplomas will be given when courses are remediated and/or Apostolic Works hours are completed.
    • Final Course Grades: Second semester grades will post in the Family Portal on Wednesday, May 31. 
      • If students and families have questions about a grade, they must contact the course teacher directly by Friday, June 2 to discuss, as teachers are the final arbiters of all course grades. Teachers will be off campus after June 2 and will return in August.
      • Please remember that teachers may not accept coursework from a student after grades post to retroactively improve a course grade. Students and families are respectfully asked to not petition teachers to accept assignments after the semester ends for the purpose of improving a course grade or raising a GPA.
    • Summer Reading assignments will be available on the Chaminade website by Friday, June 2.
    • Student Schedules for 2023-24 will be available at the beginning of July.
    Any student who earns a D or F in a graduation-requirement course in either semester of this school year must remediate that course this summer. Earning a passing grade in a summer remediation course is required for subject area progression next year and to ensure that students remain on track for graduation from Chaminade.
    When second semester grades post on May 31, please determine as soon as possible whether your student must register for summer school to remediate a course they did not pass in second semester. A student who did not earn a passing grade in a course required for subject area progression or for graduation will also be contacted by their counselor regarding a summer remediation plan. Students who earned a D/F in a second semester course must provide proof of registration in Chaminade’s summer school or at another physical school site (not an online provider) before their 2023-2024 schedules will be released to them.
    Chaminade’s course remediation protocols reflect the premium we place on a student’s academic preparation for the next school year. We want every student to begin school in August well-equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully progress in the next levels of their learning. This goal is served when a student has a clear summer school plan in place to remediate a course required for subject area progression and/or graduation.  
    Registration for Chaminade’s summer school is open.?If your student needs to remediate a second semester course, please click HERE to go directly to the online registration system. Note that due to the condensed nature of the summer school courses, no absences are allowed during the summer session.??Summer school fees can be paid in full or divided into payments at checkout.?Please click HERE to go to the summer school website for information about course descriptions, class meeting dates and times, and additional details. If you have questions about Chaminade summer programming, please contact Mrs. Wendy Cowgill, Director of the Center for Excellence, at
    Chaminade High School summer courses take place during the following dates: 
    • Session 1            June 12 – 28th (No class on Monday June 19th)
    • Session 2            July 6th – 21st
    This is a reminder that all seniors are required to attend the graduation meeting on Tuesday, May 23 from 12:30PM-2:30PM in the Tutor Center and the graduation practice on Wednesday, May 24 from 4PM-6PM on the football field. These are mandatory events – any student who misses one or both may not be permitted to participate in the graduation ceremony on Saturday, May 27.  Note that seniors and their families have already received an email earlier this week with details about the graduation practices, Baccalaureate Mass, and graduation ceremony.