At Chaminade we are proud to provide our students a challenging, Catholic education in the Marianist tradition of educating the whole person in the family spirit.
Faith life at Chaminade is rooted in the Roman Catholic Tradition and animated by the Marianist charism which forms students to participate in Mary’s mission to bring Christ to the world.
Chaminade’s curriculum is rooted in Catholic Marianist values that inspire a love of learning and develop leaders who collaborate to solve problems with compassion, creativity, and critical thinking. Chaminade College Preparatory is accredited by the Western Catholic Educational Association and Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WCEA/WASC).
Chaminade’s EagleFest provides an excellent opportunity to promote your food, wine, beer, or beverage products to the larger Chaminade community. With over 600 people in attendance, you may promote your business in a fun, creative way to an upscale audience. This is a FREE-to-exhibit charity event where you will receive media exposure. CLICK HERE for more details.
Thank you to those exhibitors who have already signed up to participate in EagleFest. Our signature event is not possible without their partnership and support.
Hover over their logo and visit their website. When considering a restaurant to go to for dinner or a catering company to cater a birthday or graduation, please consider supporting a business that has supported Chaminade.
Interested in being an EagleFest exhibitor? Please contact Vicki Raven at 818-360-0615 or
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We pride ourselves in living out the charism and values