Campus Ministry

MERRY CHRISTMAS!  Your Campus Ministry Team wishes you and your families, a blessed, restful, peaceful Christmastime, where you truly feel Emmanuel, God with us.  If you need a place in which to worship this Christmas, please contact us and we will connect you!

Homeless Persons' Interreligious Memorial on Sat., Dec. 21 at Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in Downtown LA, 6:30pm
- Join people of many faith traditions for a night of unity, prayer, and remembrance.   Since 1990, the Coalition of the Homeless has sponsored National Homeless Persons' Memorial every year on December 21, the first day of winter and the longest night of they year, to remember those who have died without a place to call home. In many cases, this service will be the only commemoration of their lives.  RSVP HERE

Glam It Up!
  Now that the Homecoming Dance is over, we invite you to donate any gently used semi-formal or formal attire, for both boys and girls, for school events and dances. These donations will be given to local organizations, to help teens be able to attend these memorable high school events.  Please feel free to email senior Maddy Krakauer, founder of Glam It Up! with any questions! The box for donations will be in Campus Ministry.

Apostolic Works
Logging Info:  Be sure to be logging in your Apostolic Works.  While there is no 1st Semester Due Date, you do not want to scramble at the end of the year.  

Picture Challenge:  If you serve over the Christmas Break, take a pic and tag us on Instagram @campusminccp

Ongoing Efforts to Support our Immigrant Communities - from the Archdiocesan Office of Life, Justice, and Peace
To address growing concerns, this office is meeting with various immigration rights and advocacy groups to learn as much as possible and ensure they provide accurate information about immigration practices. Their focus is on understanding the realities of policy implementation and dispelling misunderstandings that may cause unnecessary fear. If you are interested in staying updated on upcoming immigration workshops available to all our communities or volunteering to assist with workshops, guidance, or a compassionate presence, sign up through the following link:  Click HERE

Guadalupe Center Homework Helpers
(Canoga Park) is in real need of high school students to help with elementary and middle school students after school.  Contact  at Brenda Ramirez, (213) 251-3572 or  (Applies to all grade levels)

Wise Readers to Leaders, a tutoring program is looking for high school volunteers to engage in one-on-one remote reading and/or math tutoring with our scholars in grades K-8. These programs offer a unique and enriching mentorship experience, fostering a genuine love for learning.  They have two ways to serve: 1) Their on-going, virtual year-round opportunity.  Visit for more information  (applies to all grade levels)

Apostolic Works
Refer to our Apostolic Works Guide to answer all your questions:
Updates to Apostolic Works Program highlighted below:
  • Hours Expectation:  NEW! 9th grade expectation will be satisfied through Pillars retreat.   Any extra hours may still be logged in to x2vol.
  • Summer Hours:  NEW!  We are accepting any and all hours served in summer time – no maximum, wherever they served that aligns with grade level focus and general Apostolic Works guidelines. DUE DATE for summer hours claims was August 31, 2024.
  • X2vol Hours Tracking Platform:  New students will go over registration process in Theology class or may come to Campus Ministry for help.
Retreat registration is open for 10th - 12th grades!  All Chaminade retreats cost only $50 and financial aid is available to those who qualify. If you have any questions feel free to email, call, or visit Mrs. G or any of the Campus Ministers. CLICK HERE  to sign up!
Additionally, you have the opportunity to lead retreats, too!  If you are interested in leading please CLICK HERE TO APPLY
Dates and more detailed information is available here: Please try your best to register for one that best fits your schedule, as to minimize changes.  Do not wait!

Liturgy/Mass Participation!
Calling all those who want to be Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors/Readers, or sing in Lord's Chords Liturgical Choir, please fill out the interest form HERE

Join us Tuesday through Friday at 7:45 in the a.m. in our Chapel, immediately adjacent to the Media Center in the Condon Center Building.  We read the day’s scriptures, share our prayer intentions as a community, and leave renewed and ready to face our days after offering up 15 minutes to God at the beginning of it.

List of 1 items.

  • We pride ourselves in living out the charism and values

    of what makes our school distinctly Catholic.