Campus Ministry

Apostolic Works
See copy of communication sent out to Grades 9-11 on Friday, 4/26;  Seniors have been contacted earlier by Mrs. Sedik.  The deadline for Apostolic Works hours is fast approaching on May 3.  See below for lots of answers to your questions, or contact Mr. Bergen if you have any other questions.
Frequently Asked Questions:
  • How do I log my hours?
  • How does this whole thing work? You submit your claim and include an email address for someone from the organization who can verify that you did the work. They get an email asking them to verify you. Once they do, a Campus Minister will approve the hours. You feel good that you helped your community and are that much closer to graduation!
  • Why aren’t my hours verified yet? Your contact at the service site hasn’t checked their email.  Ask them to check their email or you can resubmit the claim and that will automatically send them a new email.
  • They already verified me but I’m still waiting! Check the notes on your claim to see if we asked for any clarifications. Otherwise, just be patient; there are 1,200 students submitting thousands of claims. We’ll let you know if there’s a problem.
  • Who do I talk to with a problem? Mr. Bergen or come by Campus Ministry for help.
  • I need more hours (or want to help more) but don’t know where. Service opportunities are always listed in the Campus Ministry section of the CTW every week.
  • Do hours affect my grades? No (the Action Plan and Reflection do, but the hours themselves do not)
  • Is there an on-campus hours requirement? No (any non-profit whose mission supports Catholic Social Teaching is fine, along with some for-profit places like schools and hospitals – ask Mr. Bergen ahead of time if you’re not sure)
  • I helped my neighbor/grandma/etc. Can I get hours for that? No. It must be a NPO. But good job!
  • What if I don’t finish? Hours roll over so all non-seniors will make them up next year. Seniors will not be allowed to graduate.
  • I’m a Junior. What do I have to do that’s different? Hours must support marginalized people in these “DEUS” groups: Disabled, Elderly, Underserved, Sick. Beach cleanups and most on-campus activities like masses, Open House, and recycling don’t count for Juniors because of this.
  • How many hours do I get for helping at masses (sing, read, serve, usher)? Only if you rehearse and sing with Lord's Chords for monthly mass (1 hour/mass)
  • I forgot to turn in hours from last summer. The very well publicized deadline was in September.
  • How do I fulfill a requirement from a previous year? Just date the hours sometime during that school year and the system will place them there.

Apostolic Works Opportunities
Guadalupe Center Homework Helpers (Canoga Park) is in real need of high school students to help with elementary and middle school students after school.  Contact  at Brenda Ramirez, (213) 251-3572 or  (Applies to all grade levels)

Wise Readers to Leaders, a tutoring program is looking for high school volunteers to engage in one-on-one remote reading and/or math tutoring with our scholars in grades K-8. These programs offer a unique and enriching mentorship experience, fostering a genuine love for learning.  They have two ways to serve: 1) Their on-going, virtual year-round opportunity.  Visit for more information and to apply or email: or 2) Through their Summer Literacy Camp as a Junior Literacy Leader, serving under resourced schools.  Camp runs from June 17-26.  Contact them at or visit    (applies to all grade levels)

Glam It Up! What can you do with gently used formal/semi-formal dresses?  Donate them!  My name is Madison, and I am a Junior at the high school with a passion in helping others. I have started Glam It Up! to collect gently used semi-formal and formal dresses to distribute (in partnership with the Guadalupe Community Center in Canoga Park) to girls who may not have the means to purchase them for school events such as prom or homecoming. Let’s help all girls look and feel beautiful to attend these fun and memorable high school events!  Bring your donations to the collection box in Campus Ministry.  Any questions:

Composed Living in Woodland Hills needs charity collection workers for on-going dates.  They do collections for various local charities, such as animal rescues, foster homes, food banks, etc. and need help facilitating the collections and drop-offs.  Contact Karen Prendergast at 323-605-7704 or

Liturgy/Mass Participation!
Calling all those who want to be Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors/Readers, or sing in Lord's Chords Liturgical Choir, please fill out the interest form HERE

Join us Tuesday through Friday at 7:45 in the a.m. in our Chapel, immediately adjacent to the Media Center in the Condon Center Building.  We read the day’s scriptures, share our prayer intentions as a community, and leave renewed and ready to face our days after offering up 15 minutes to God at the beginning of it.

List of 1 items.

  • We pride ourselves in living out the charism and values

    of what makes our school distinctly Catholic.