Academic and Enrichment

Do you want to advance in computer science, health, math, writing, physical education, or social science? The Chaminade Summer Schedule of Classes has been designed to create additional opportunities for students and provide greater flexibility as they begin scheduling their courses for the next school year.
We offer courses to satisfy graduation requirements. Taking one or more of these classes in the summer creates room in student schedules so they can take additional courses of their choosing during the school year.

Entering Freshman

List of 4 items.

  • Eagle Essentials: Success Skills for Freshmen

    Entering 9th grade 
    Prepare to take flight in your high school journey with Eagle Essentials, a comprehensive freshman seminar program designed to equip incoming 9th graders with crucial skills for academic success. This series of targeted workshops aims to build a strong foundation, ensuring our Eagles soar from day one. 
    Our program offers six key workshops, each focusing on essential areas for high school readiness: 
    1. Executive Functioning: Sharpen your mental toolkit with planning, prioritizing, and problem-solving strategies. Cultivate a growth mindset and build resilience. This workshop focuses on goal setting, stress management, and developing a positive attitude towards learning. Learn how to navigate the challenges of high school while maintaining balance and well-being. 
    1. Math Readiness: Strengthen your mathematical foundation and prepare for high school-level concepts. Build confidence in your math skills and learn strategies for tackling complex problems. 
    1. Summer Reading: Dive into literature with purpose. Develop critical reading skills, enhance comprehension, and learn to analyze texts effectively. This workshop will help you maximize your summer reading assignments and prepare you for high school English classes. 
    1. Writing and Grammar: Polish your writing skills and master grammar rules. Learn to craft compelling essays and effectively communicate your ideas across all subjects. 
    1. Study Techniques and Organization: Discover powerful methods for note-taking, information retention, and test preparation. Learn to create an optimal study environment and develop habits that promote academic success. Learn to manage your time effectively and stay organized despite increasing academic demands. 
    1. Chaminade Life: This session aims to prepare incoming 9th graders to start the new school year right at Chaminade’s West Hills campus. This class is designed to familiarize students with Chaminade culture, meet program directors, ask pertinent questions, and meet their classmates. Students will familiarize themselves with the Chaminade daily schedule and the high school campus. Students will receive their Chaminade laptops as part of this course. 
    Eagle Essentials workshops are interactive and practical, providing students with tools and strategies they can immediately apply to their studies. By participating in this program, our freshmen Eagles will build a strong nest of skills, ensuring they’re prepared to spread their wings and excel throughout their high school years. 
    Join us for Eagle Essentials and set yourself up for a successful takeoff into high school! 
    Entering 9th grade classes: 
    Summer Reading 
    Geometry Prep 
    Algebra 1 Prep 
    Writing and Grammar 
    Executive Functioning 
    Chaminade Life 
    8:30 – 9:30 
    Chaminade Life  
    Math Readiness 
    Executive Functioning 
    9:30 – 10:30 
    Summer Reading 
    Writing and Grammar 
    Chaminade Life 
    10:30 – 11:30 
    Summer Reading 
    Executive Functioning 
    Chaminade Life 
    Session 1: June 16 - 27                     
    Session 2: July 7 - 18     
    Location: West Hills campus           
    Tuition: $525
  • Health

    Entering 9th grade
    The health curriculum teaches students to make quality decisions on matters relating to their mental, physical, social, and emotional health. The class will include units on decision-making, self-esteem, healthy relationships, mental health, exercise and fitness, nutrition, human sexuality, substance abuse, bullying, and infectious diseases. This class is taught from a Catholic perspective, keeping in mind our Marianist philosophy. This course is a requirement for all students to graduate from Chaminade. This course is offered to students the summer prior to their 9th-grade year to allow students flexibility in their schedule during the regular school year, providing space for them to participate in programs such as speech and debate, and band. Students will receive their Chaminade laptops as part of this course.

    *Please note: Since this class is taken for advancement and satisfies a graduation requirement, students must attend each meeting. Completing this course satisfies the one-semester health graduation requirement. The grade for this class will be transcribed, and the grade will be calculated into the student's Chaminade GPA.
    Dates: June 16 –  July 3 ( No class June 19) 
    Time: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
    Location: West Hills campus
    Tuition: $975
  • Physical and Cultural Geography

    Entering 9th grade
    This required course develops students’ awareness of place and enhances students’ geopolitical comprehension. Students explore the interaction of humans and their environment, analyze patterns of human development, and cultivate an understanding of various world regions and their cultural, economic, and political characteristics. Structured as a broad survey, this course provides students with a foundation for understanding contemporary global issues, including population, migration, culture, religion, ethnicity, politics, development, agriculture, industry, and the environment.
    This course is a requirement for all students to graduate from Chaminade. This course is offered to students the summer before their 9th-grade year to allow students flexibility in their schedule during the regular school year, providing space for them to participate in programs such as speech and debate, and band. Students will receive their Chaminade laptops as part of this course.
    Dates: July 7 - 25
    Time: 8:30 am  - 12:00 pm
    Location: West Hills campus
    Tuition: $975
  • Online Freshmen Technology Fundamentals

    Entering 9th grade 
    Students at Chaminade are introduced to the concept of online learning in this course. Since so many students today engage in distance education as part of their college career, this course introduces them to essential principles that will enable their success in this type of learning. Concepts like time management, netiquette, and the qualities of a successful online student are examined. The course then introduces the student to various aspects of online academic technologies that will assist them during their time here at Chaminade. Components of Microsoft Word, Outlook, and Powerpoints are examined, and the use of Office 365. The course transitions to exploring other online academic technologies used here at Chaminade. These skills include navigating library databases, using online tools & websites, using Naviance (Chaminade’s counseling and college application program), and file management and backup techniques.

    The final goal is to put all of the skills together and use them in real-world situations. Since this is an online course, accountability and responsibility become very important. The class is broken into five one-week-long modules with a certain number of assessments due at the end of every week. The modules start on Monday of every week, and all assessments are due Sunday at 10:00 pm. Students should make sure to give themselves enough time to complete all of the required assessments for that week because any assignment not turned in for the module by midnight Sunday will be considered late and lose credit. Students will receive their Chaminade laptops during this class session (pending manufacturer delivery).

    There will be a brief in-person computer pick-up and orientation on the following dates: June 16 or June 17 (for the June 18th OR July 9th sessions) OR July 7 or 8 (for the July 9th session). This is required for all students NEW to Chaminade unless they are taking another on campus class during the summer at Chaminade (they will be provided their computer as part of the class). More information and time sign-ups will be sent closer to the start of summer.

    If middle school students register by May 21 for ANY summer course, they will receive their new computer on May 28th at the middle school campus and can register for any of the three summer sessions. If students register for the course after May 21st, they can register for the June 18 or July 9 sessions. Students registering after May 21st will need to attend one of the mandatory orientations on the high school campus (June 16, June 17, July 7 or July  8) unless they are taking another on-campus class during the summer.

    Choose ONE of the following sessions:

    Session 1: June 4 – July 8 (Chaminade middle school students only) 
    Details to be emailed home closer to the date.

    Session 2:
    June 18 – July 22
    Details to be emailed home closer to the date. 

    Session 3:
    July 9 - August 12
    Details to be emailed home closer to the date. 

    West Hills campus

Classes for Advancement

List of 4 items.

  • Rising 9th Grade

    The health curriculum focuses on teaching students to make quality decisions on matters relating to their mental, physical, social, and emotional health. The class will include units on decision-making, self-esteem, healthy relationships, mental health, exercise and fitness, nutrition, human sexuality, substance abuse, bullying, and infectious diseases. This class is taught from a Catholic perspective, keeping in mind our Marianist philosophy. This course is a requirement for graduation from Chaminade for all students. This course is offered to students the summer prior to their 9th-grade year to allow students flexibility in their schedule during the regular school year, providing space for them to participate in programs such as speech and debate and band. Students will receive their Chaminade laptops as part of this course. Please note that since this a class that is taken for advancement and satisfies a graduation requirement, students must attend each class meeting. Completing this course satisfies the one semester of Health graduation requirement. The grade for this class will be transcribed, and the grade will be calculated into the student's Chaminade GPA.

    Dates: June 16 –  July 3 ( No class June 19)  
    Time: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
    Location: West Hills campus
    Tuition: $975

    This required course develops students' awareness of place and enhances students’ geopolitical comprehension. Students explore the interaction of humans and their environment, analyze patterns of human development, and cultivate an understanding of various world regions and their cultural, economic, and political characteristics. Structured as a broad survey, this course provides students with a foundation for understanding contemporary global issues, including population, migration, culture, religion, ethnicity, politics, development, agriculture, industry, and the environment. 
    This course is a requirement for all students to graduate from Chaminade. This course is offered to students the summer before their 9th-grade year to allow students flexibility in their schedule during the regular school year, providing space for them to participate in programs such as speech and debate and band. Students will receive their Chaminade laptops as part of this course.
    Dates: July 7 - July 25
    Time: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
    Location: West Hills campus
    Tuition: $975
    Online Freshmen Technology Fundamental
    Students at Chaminade are introduced to the concept of online learning in this course. Since so many students today engage in distance education as part of their college career, this course introduces the student to essential principles that will enable their success in this type of learning. Concepts like time management, netiquette, and qualities of a successful online student are examined. The course then introduces the student to various aspects of online academic technologies that will assist them at their time here at Chaminade. Components of Microsoft Word, Outlook, and PowerPoint are examined, as well as the use of Office 365. The course then transitions to examining other online academic technologies used here at Chaminade. These skills include navigating library databases, using online tools & websites, using Naviance (Chaminade’s counseling and college application program) as well as file management & backup techniques. The final goal of the class is to put all the skills together and be able to use these skills in real-world situations. Since this is an online course, accountability and responsibility become very important. The class will be broken into five one-week-long modules that will have a certain number of assessments due at the end of every week. The modules start on Monday of every week, and all assessments will be due Sunday at 10:00 pm. Students should make sure to give themselves enough time to complete all the required assessments for that week because any assignment not turned in for the module by midnight Sunday will be considered late and lose credit. Students will receive their Chaminade laptops during this class session (pending manufacturer delivery).
    Choose ONE of the following sessions:

    Session 1: June 4 – July 8
    Details to be emailed home closer to the date.

    Session 2:
    July 18 – July 22
    Details to be emailed home closer to the date. 

    Session 3:
    July 9 – August 12
    Details to be emailed home closer to the date.

    West Hills campus
  • Rising 10th Grade

    Fitness and Lifestyle Recreation (PE)
    This course develops students’ fitness in the areas of coordination, strength, and endurance through sports and activities that can be used for a lifetime. This class focuses on lifestyle recreation and fitness activities such as walking, running, Pilates, aerobics, yoga, and others that students can continue participating in throughout their life.

    Please note that since this class is taken for advancement and satisfies a graduation requirement, students must be in attendance at each virtual class meeting. Completing this course satisfies one semester of Physical Education. The grade for this class will be transcribed, and the grade will be calculated into the student’s Chaminade GPA.
    Session1 Dates: June 16 – July 3
    Session2 Dates: July 7 - 25
    Days:  Virtual meetings only. Class meets Monday - Friday 
    Time: 10:15 – 11:30 am
    Tuition: $975
  • Rising 11th Grade

    Fitness and Lifestyle Recreation (PE)
    This course develops students’ fitness in the areas of coordination, strength, and endurance through sports and activities that can be used for a lifetime. This class focuses on lifestyle recreation and fitness activities such as walking, running, Pilates, aerobics, yoga, and others that students can continue participating in throughout their life.

    Please note that since this class is taken for advancement and satisfies a graduation requirement, students must be in attendance at each virtual class meeting. Completing this course satisfies one semester of Physical Education. The grade for this class will be transcribed, and the grade will be calculated into the student’s Chaminade GPA.
    Session1 Dates: June 16 – July 3
    Session2 Dates: July 7 – 25
    Days:  Virtual meetings only. Class meets Monday - Friday 
    Time: 10:15 – 11:30 am
    Tuition: $975
  • Rising 12th Grade

    Critical Thinking and Composition
    Chaminade students only.

    This intensive accelerated writing course is most suitable for incoming seniors who are already strong, proficient writers. Condensing the regular 18-week curriculum into four weeks, the course is designed to reinforce and further develop the critical reading, thinking, and writing skills that students need for success in their college courses. In a process-centered writing program that includes feedback and revision, students write research-based argumentative essays in a variety of rhetorical modes encountered at the college level. Each day, students will have either a rough draft or a final draft of an essay due. Successful completion of this course satisfies the Critical Thinking and Composition graduation requirement. This course is taught in a blended format, which means students should have regular and dependable access to the internet, a proficient understanding of the course’s software, and the maturity and discipline to be self-motivated learners. Please note that since this class is taken for advancement and satisfies a graduation requirement, students must be in attendance at each in-person class meeting.

    Prerequisite Students must have an “A” or a “B” in their most recent Honors English course or an “A” in their most recent College Prep English course. Students who do not meet this requirement must apply with the prior signed consent of the English Department Chairperson or the Academic Vice-Principal.

    In Person Class Meetings: 
    Mon. June 9, Wed. June 11, Fri June 13
    Mon June 16, Wed June 18 (no class national holiday)  Fri June 20
    Mon. June 23, Wed. June 25, Fri. June 27 (Friday is an Optional Writing Lab)
    Mon. June 30
    Attendance is mandatory for all in person class meetings
    Final Exam: Monday, June 30

    Location: West Hills Campus
    Date: June 9– 30
    Monday/Wednesday: 8:30 am – 10:30 am (dates and times are in person, on campus meeting times)
    Tuition: $975
    Fitness and Lifestyle Recreation (PE)
    This course develops students’ fitness in the areas of coordination, strength, and endurance through sports and activities that can be used for a lifetime. This class focuses on lifestyle recreation and fitness activities such as walking, running, Pilates, aerobics, yoga, and others that students can continue participating in throughout their life.

    Please note that since this class is taken for advancement and satisfies a graduation requirement, students must be in attendance at each virtual class meeting. Completing this course satisfies one semester of Physical Education. The grade for this class will be transcribed, and the grade will be calculated into the student’s Chaminade GPA.
    Session1 Dates: June 16 – July 3
    Session2 Dates: July 7 – 24
    Days:  Virtual meetings only. Class meets Monday - Friday 
    Time: 10:15 – 11:30 am
    Tuition: $975
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The Center for Excellence also offers courses for rising seniors to get a jump start on their college applications and essays; musical theater and film students can gain experience performing through our performing arts intensives, and athletes can sharpen their skills through various sports camps.

Classes for Enrichment

List of 9 items.

  • Advanced Boys Lacrosse

    Join our Chaminade Varsity Coaching Staff to see what Eagle Lacrosse is all about! Players will learn offensive and defensive skills as well as have a great time. Players will be grouped by level of play and skill.

    Entering 7th - 9th grade

    June 16 - June 20 (No camp June 19)
    Time: 8:30- 11:30 am 
    Location: West Hills campus
    Fee: $195
  • Eagle Essentials: Success Skills for Freshman

    Prepare to take flight in your high school journey with Eagle Essentials, a comprehensive freshman seminar program designed to equip incoming 9th graders with crucial skills for academic success. This series of targeted workshops aims to build a strong foundation, ensuring our Eagles soar from day one.
    Our program offers six key workshops, each focusing on essential areas for high school readiness:
    • Executive Functioning: Sharpen your mental toolkit with strategies for planning, prioritizing, and problem-solving. Cultivate a growth mindset and build resilience. This workshop focuses on goal setting, stress management, and developing a positive attitude towards learning. Learn how to navigate the challenges of high school while maintaining balance and well-being.
    • Math Readiness: Strengthen your mathematical foundation and prepare for high school-level concepts. Build confidence in your math skills and learn strategies for tackling complex problems.
    • Summer Reading: Dive into literature with purpose. Develop critical reading skills, enhance comprehension, and learn to analyze texts effectively. This workshop will help you get the most out of your summer reading assignments and prepare you for high school English classes.
    • Writing and Grammar: Polish your writing skills and master the rules of grammar. Learn to craft clear, compelling essays and communicate your ideas effectively across all subjects.
    • Study Techniques and Organization: Discover powerful methods for note-taking, information retention, and test preparation. Learn to create an optimal study environment and develop habits that promote academic success. Learn to manage your time effectively and stay organized in the face of increasing academic demands.
    • Chaminade Life:  This session is aims to prepare incoming 9th graders to start the new school year off right at Chaminade’ s West Hills campus. This class is designed to familiarize students with Chaminade culture, meet program directors, ask pertinent questions, and meet their classmates. Students will familiarize themselves with the Chaminade daily schedule and as well as the high school campus. Students will receive their Chaminade laptops as part of this course.
    Eagle Essentials workshops are interactive and practical, providing students with tools and strategies they can immediately apply to their studies. By participating in this program, our freshmen Eagles will build a strong nest of skills, ensuring they're prepared to spread their wings and excel throughout their high school years.
    Join us for Eagle Essentials and set yourself up for a successful takeoff into high school!
    Entering 9th grade classes:
    Summer Reading
    Geometry Prep
    Algebra 1 Prep
    Writing and Grammar
    Executive Functioning
    Chaminade Life
    8:30 – 9:30
    Alg Prep
    Geom Prep
    Executive Functioning
    9:30 – 10:30
    Summer Reading
    Writing and Grammar
    Chaminade Life
    10:30 – 11:30
    Summer Reading
    Executive Functioning
    Chaminade Life
    Location: West Hills 
    Dates: Session 1- June 16 - 27 
                Session 2 - July 7 - 18
    Fee: $525
  • Summer Musical Intensive Theater

    Entering 7th – 12th grade
    This summer, students entering grades 7-12 will present
    SEUSSICAL by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Faherty
    Three weeks of rehearsing daily from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., beginning June 9, will culminate in THREE performances on June 26, 27, and 28 at 7:30 pm at the Tutor Family Center for the Performing Arts.
    Come participate in one of the most-performed shows in America! Seussical is a fantastical, magical, musical extravaganza lovingly bringing to life all of our favorite Dr. Seuss characters, including Horton the Elephant, The Cat in the Hat, Gertrude McFuzz, Mayzie La Bird, and a little boy with a big imagination – Jojo.
    The powers of friendship, loyalty, family, and community are at the heart of this musical fable as Horton finds a speck of dust containing the Whos and must protect it from all who do not believe while also guarding an abandoned egg left in his care. We travel from the Jungle of Nool to the Circus McGurkus to the invisible world of the Whos in song, dance, and cirque!
    Guided by Broadway professionals, students will sharpen their skills and have fun in a supportive, non-competitive environment. Casting will take place by Saturday, June 7, with a placement audition. Information will be emailed by the end of May.

    Director: Yvette L. Bishop
    Music Director: Dan Redfeld
    Choreographer: Nancy Dobbs Owen
    Aerial Coach: TBA

    Date: June 9-28
    Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, M-F
    Location: West Hills
    Fee: $1,500
  • Dance Intensive (Grade 9)

    Entering 9th Grade
    Don’t miss your chance to work with our Chaminade Dance Director and former L.A. Rams Cheerleader, Jacqueline Ward. This dance intensive will assist dancers in refining their technique in multiple styles of dance. Master guest instructors and choreographers will also be a part of the instructional team. We hope to have you join us to boost your fundamental techniques to a more advanced level.

    Jacqueline Ward was a competition dancer her whole life before attending Chapman University’s prestigious dance program. Upon graduation, she signed with a talent agency and dances professionally in Los Angeles. She is currently a Cheerleader (dancer) for The Los Angeles Rams. 

    Dates: July 7 - 11
    Time: 8:30 – 11:30 am
    Location: West Hills campus, Tutor Center Dance Studio
    Fee: $275
  • Incoming 9th Grade Baseball Camp

    Entering 9th grade

    This camp is specifically designed for incoming 9th graders to Chaminade College Preparatory who are interested in playing baseball. Coach Wilkerson and his staff will be conducting the camp over the course of the entire summer session. 

    Week 1: June 16 - 18 (Mon - Wed)
    Week 2: June 24 - 26 (Tues - Thurs)
    Week 3: June 30 - July 2 (Mon - Wed)
    Week 4: July 8 - 10 (Tues - Thurs)

    Times: 1:00 pm – 3:15 pm

    $425 for all 12 sessions
  • Incoming 9th Grade Boys Basketball Camp

    Entering 9th grade

    This camp is specifically designed for rising 8th and 9th graders planning on attending Chaminade College Preparatory who are interested in playing basketball. Coach Cantwell and his staff will be conducting the camp over the course of the entire summer session. For more information, please email Coach Bryan Cantwell.

    Location: West Hills Campus Gym
    Dates:  Week 2: June 24 - 26  |  6:00 - 900 pm
                 Week 3: July 1 - 3   |   6:00 - 9:00 pm
                 Week 4: July 8 - 10  |  6:00 - 8:00 pm

    $425 for all sessions
  • Girls' Volleyball Skills Camp

    Entering 8th - 9th grade
    Join Coach Suarez, head coach of Chaminade’s state championship girls’ volleyball team, and train like a champion. Sharpen your skills, enhance your technique, elevate your game, and experience what it’s like to be part of Eagle Volleyball!

    Get to know Coach Suarez:
    1. 2022 and 2023 Angeles League Champion @ Chaminade
    2. 2022 CIF-D2 State Champion @ Chaminade
    3. Division 1 player @ Cal State University, Northridge (CSUN) from 2013-2017
    4. Professional Volleyball player for Volleyball League of America (Ascension, RUKKUS, Imi Ola')
    5. Won VLA Cup 2021 and 2022
    6. MVP of East Valley League @ Verdugo Hills High School
    7. First Team All-City @ Verdugo Hills High School (2011 and 2012)
    8. Hall of Famer @ Verdugo Hills High School (2013)

    Date:  June 16 - 20 (No camp on June 19) 
    Time: 12:00 - 3:00 p.m.
    Location: West Hills campus
    Fee: $280
  • Robotics for Competition

    Entering 5th – 12th grade
    In this class, presented by Chaminade’s internationally recognized Eagle Engineering robotics team, you will be introduced to basic engineering concepts in a way that’s so fun that you’ll forget that it’s preparing you as the next generation of innovators, inventors, and technicians. Students will work in teams to create and operate a robot to compete in a game inspired by this year’s VEX Robotics competition. No experience is necessary. Involves hand tools and light metalwork. Closed-toed shoes are required. The course fee includes a healthy snack and lunch every day of the week!
    Instructor: Tommy Smeltzer, Robotics Director
    Session 1: July 7 - 11
    Time: 8:30 am – 3:00 pm

    Session 2: July 21  - 25
    Time: 8:30 am – 3:00 pm
    Fee: $525 per week
  • College Application Boot Camp 2025

    Entering 12th grade (Chaminade Students Only)
    Attention rising seniors: Through the Chaminade Center for Excellence, you, the members of the Chaminade Class of 2024, are invited to reduce the stress over the college application process and complete significant aspects of the process before your senior year even starts! 
    Attending the extensive two-day Chaminade Summer Application Boot Camp, you will work with Chaminade counselors and teachers, spending time in informative opening sessions and in smaller break-out sessions focusing on making substantial progress on the Common Application and on the UC Application. You will brainstorm essay ideas and draft meaningful essays by examining the UC and Common Application essay prompts with direct feedback from English teachers, and school counselors will guide you through the different types of college applications. By the conclusion of the Boot Camp, you will be close to completing your Common Application (or other application), have a working draft of one or more of your essays, and be familiar with other types of college application writing, such as college supplements.

    Location: West Hills

    Session 1: Tuesday, August 5, and Wednesday, August 6
    Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm


    Session 2: Thursday, August 7, and Friday, August 8
    Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

    Fee: $100

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Counselors in Leadership Training

Are you a Chaminade student looking to make a difference in the lives of young minds this summer? Join us this summer for a unique opportunity that blends community service, skill development, and leadership training.

Camp Leadership
Wendy Cowgill
Director of Center for Excellence
Chantelle Ghebrial
Program Coordinator
Chris Sedik
West Hills Site Director
         April Risteff
Chatsworth Site Director
If you need to make changes to your registrations or information on forms already submitted, please email us at, as you are not able to change registration or edit a form yourself once it has been submitted. 

Changes to your registration can be made up to one week prior to the program/course start date, with a full refund of course fees by sending a written request to

Cancellations with less than a week's notice will NOT be eligible for refunds, but fees paid may be applied towards future programming.

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